Filmspirations Number One: Marie Antoinette

Sofia Coppola's lucid dream like style fills the screen with an unmistakable vibe of isolation that echoes through all of her work. 2006's Marie Antoinette is youthful, decadent, and heart-wrenchingly lonely, based upon the story of the teenaged queen and her tumultuous existence in the palace of Versaille. The movie lacks in depth historical value, focusing on the imagery and pure streamlined emotional value of the queen's journey and initial demise. She was the last queen before the French revolution, and the hazy, ethereal look into the last legs of France's monarchy is heavily romanticized. Fashion, indulgence, and royalty reigns supreme throughout the picture, making it a prominent influence for the creative and romantic. I've decided to make a weekly series using screen captures of each movie that inspired me as a photographer and artist. Take what you need.